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Monday, February 28, 2011

Primacy Prayers

O my brother, know billah scientist (people - people who know God) is always of the essence of charity is charity itself. Noting the various secret obedience is their method. Keeping members of the body for solemn and quiet, while bowing and prostrating in prayer they are civilized.

A servant should know that the prayers that she was doing was like a gift that he uses to draw closer to Allaah. One must not underestimate the prayer, for Allah will shrugged. He should pay more attention to his inner and believe that Allah has looked at his spiritual as he looked at his physical. When in the presence of Allah Almighty he had civilized and devoted all his attention to God

Core, and the spirit of prayer is the secret relationship and the concentration of the liver to henti.Inilah Alah SWT without causing the degree of each person in prayer is different.

Ibn 'Abbas RA said, "Two rak who engakau do with meditation and the effort to learn the lessons and with full confidence is better than praying all night with the negligent care."

Share whisper that broke hearts by Allah SWT will reduce and desecrate prayer. Whisper of the heart, there are three khatir, Fikr and 'Azm. Khatir is all that comes to whisper, but do not settle in the liver. Fikr is some khatir who settled in the heart. And 'Azm was the determination to realize Fikr liver.

When the prayer human beings should try to fight, resist and eliminate these three types whisper so as not to damage relations with Allah.Ia must get rid of her in his heart that it becomes Fikr then 'azm.Jika this happens, then he will not get the essence of prayer.

RHM Hasan al-Basri said, "Every prayer that is not attended by the liver more quickly bring punishment."
As exposes his face to the Qiblah, he should also have to confront his heart to God SWT.Ia should know that this is the essence of prayer. If a slave fails when prayers, then he will get no reward on the part that he neglected it, as the words of the Prophet Muhammad SAW,

You will not gain (reward) of the prayers except what you understand. (Al Hadith)

After the prayer wheels should he pleaded religious purposes and his world to Allah SWT. He must not pray like the man who is forced to stand up straight after the greeting. This attitude shows that he was very negligent. After the prayer should she sat reading the beads, tahmid and Takbir. Then prayed fervently and humble themselves to him, his parents and the Muslims. In addition, he must also try to perform the prayer at the beginning of time, because this is a Sunnah

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Friday, February 25, 2011

Umar Bin Abdul Aziz : Fifth Caliph Rasyidah

Daula eighth Umayyad caliph story. He is Omar Bin Abdul Aziz. In leteratur history he is known as Omar Secondly because of the wisdom, justice and honesty and simplicity.
His full name is Omar Bin Abdul Aziz bin Marwan bin Hakam ibn Harb ibn Umayyad. His father, Abdul Aziz had been a governor in Egypt for several years. He still is a descendant of Umar Bin Khatab through his mother, Lailah Umm Asim bint Asim bin Umar Bin Khatab.
When the little man of Umar Bin Abdul frequent visits to his mother's uncle's house, Abdullah bin Umar bin Khatab. Each time you go home, he always told his mother that he wanted to be like his grandfather. Her mother explained that he would like his grandfather's life. A cleric who Wara '.
Omar spent much of his life in Medina. When his father, Abdul Aziz Deceased, Caliph Abdul Malik bin Marwan sent him to Damascus and was married to his daughter, Fatima. In the reign of Walid bin Abdul Malik, Umar Bin Abdul Aziz was appointed Governor of the Hijaz. At that time he was only 24 years. Currently dismantled for repair Nabawi mosque, Umar bin Abdul Aziz is believed to be the regulatory implementation.
Steps that can be emulated by the current leaders are forming an Advisory Board consisting of about ten leading scholars at that time. Together they Umar discuss various problems faced by society. Because some daring action to eradicate injustice, at the instigation of Hajaj bin Ysuf and the men, Omar dismissed from the office of Governor. However, when the Caliph Sulayman bin Abdul Mlik power, he re-appointed as al-Katib (secretary).
Although he served as Governor and al-Katib, but Omar was never ambitious to become the Caliph. When Caliph Sulaiman ill, and his oldest son., Ayyub died, he asked for consideration to the King, the son Haiwah. When the king proposed the name of Umar Bin Abdul Aziz. In fact, on one occasion, Omar had refused to be crowned Caliph. Apparently, unbeknownst to Omar, the Caliph had made an agreement to appoint Umar bin Abdul Aziz as Khaalidah and Yazid as Caliph Abdul Malik bin afterwards.
While Umar bin Abdul Aziz only ruled for two and a half years, but the policy that he has made really deserving for the triumph of the Islamic Ummah. It was he who started to apply Islamic law as a whole by asking the help of scholars like Hasan Basri. In his time as well. Hadith Hadith began booked.
Umar also also have a concern over the various branches of science, like medicine. It was he who suggested moving the medical school in Alexandria, Egypt to antakiya, Turkey. Umar also be somewhat soft on political enemies. He also forbade the Muslims to denounce Ali bin Abi Talib.
To menegagkan justice and truth, Umar sent envoys to various regions to monitor the work of the Governor. If it finds irregularities, Omar did not hesitate to shrink fired him, as he did against Yazid ibn Abi Muslim, governor of North Africa and Shaih bin Abdurahman, Governor of Iraq. Umar also restore the confiscated lands of the rulers.
In the military field, Omar did not pay attention to build an army. He prefers prosperity of community life. Therefore, he ordered to stop the encirclement Maslamah Konstantinovel and invasion of Asia Minor.
In the field of Economics, Umar create policies that are biased to protect the small people. In its time the rich pay zakat so that prosperity is really materialized. Perhaps, when it finds the recipients of zakat because wealth is so uneven.
In implementing the policy of the policy, Umar is always in front. Before telling other people apply simple, he was first being simple. The evidence before the Caliph, Umar bias wearing nice clothes. But after the situation is in fact served the Caliph turned. He rejects the various facilities of the kingdom. Even his property was sold and the money put into the Baitul Mal.
Among the evidence that Omar was not going to use State facilities is the story with his son. One night when he was in office for the State affairs, her son arrived. Upon learning that his son wanted to talk about family, 'Umar that he used to extinguish the lights. Both also spoke in the darkness.
When it was asked his son, Umar replied confidently that they're talking about family problems. While the lights they use are owned by the State.
For various policy and justice, Umar bin Abdul Aziz was known by the Caliph Omar Rasyidun Fifth or two after Umar Bin Khatab. Hopefully now the leader of the imitation of two umar bias so that the prosperity of the country was not merely a dream. Amen.

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Fiqh of the Sick

Each person must have pain despite different levels and types. This is not surprising because the pain is normal for every human being. Which includes not only the category of pain that comes from within or transmission only. People fall or accident, causing some members of the body are damaged, also quite sick.
Well, this is where the flexibility and convenience and ease of Islamic law. Between sick and healthy people have a separate law, Islam is never to charge something to a servant who can not afford it do. In fact, God is pleased when His servants took waivers (rukhshah) that he gave.
In addition, there are distinctive for the sick. If he is classified as an industrious people worship, when sick and do not bias, then Allah will record such as when he was healthy (Narrated by Abu Dawood from Abu Musa Al-Ash'ari).
In the original book entitled al-Mukhtasar Al-Mufid fi al-Fiqhi this Maridh Dr. Muhammad Mansur describes a number of legal jurisprudence with respect to the sick.
Law jurisprudence is certainly different from each other depending on the disease in the suffering. In this book also discussed various issues kontenporer that does not happen at the time of the Prophet. For example, cosmetic surgery, the donor limb, hymen surgery, IVF, abortion, and the refreshment of death due to illness difficult to expect any recovery.
This book is important for everyone, because, not a few people who neglected their duty by reason of illness. In fact, he can do it in a way that already has rules in Islam. For example, inasmuch may not use the water, the sick, and not praying. Though he may tayamum. Or because they do not understand the ruling, he was forced to use water that endanger himself.

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